Lip Augementation
Lip augmentation (Enhancement) is basically a cosmetic surgical procedure which can give you fuller and plumper lips. If one is not born with full lips or their lips have thinned with age, lip augmentation is the way to increase the size and shape with the help of surgery. These days injectable dermal fillers , fat injection and surgically dermafat placement are the commonly used methods of lip augmentation. Cosmetic lip augmentation includes enhancement or enlargement and reshaping of otherwise normal lips in order to enhance the dimensional relation with the patient’s nose, teeth and surrounding facial structure.
Benefits of Lip Augmentation
- Allergic reaction unlikely. Because hyaluronic acid fillers are made from substances similar to those found in the body, they are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. But if you are allergic to lidocaine, tell your doctor before being treated.
- Control over lip volume. The amount of substance injected can be controlled, so the doctor has better control over how much lip volume is created.
- Bumps dissolve easily. Any lumps and bumps created by movement of the lips can be dissolved easily.
- Gradual pace of treatment. The injections can be given gradually during different appointments until the desired results are achieved.
- Less bruising. There may be less bruising and swelling compared to other dermal fillers.
- Reasonably lasting results. The results are reasonably long-lasting, but not permanent.
Quick Facts About Lip Augmentation
Duration Of Lip Surgery
30 minutes to 2 hours
30 minutes to 2 hours
Typically local anaesthesia, sometimes done under general anaesthesia.
Typically local anaesthesia, sometimes done under general anaesthesia.
Length of hospital stay
Usually a day care procedure, home the same day.
Usually a day care procedure, home the same day.
pronounced swelling for a couple of days, May be advised soft meals and restricted talking for a couple of days, Back to normal activity within 5 days.
pronounced swelling for a couple of days, May be advised soft meals and restricted talking for a couple of days, Back to normal activity within 5 days.
Minimal scarring, hardly visible.
Minimal scarring, hardly visible.
- Hardness, Numbness: usually temporary.
The cost of lip augmentation varies depending on the:
- Type of procedure performed