Breast Augmentation
If you are sad with the size or shape of your breasts, its quite normal. Breast augmentation surgery has become one of the most common surgery procedures. We know that being unhappy with your breasts can lower your self-confidence and self-esteem and our highly skilled surgeons are experienced in finding out what exactly you are looking for and explaining what can be acquired with the right surgery for you. It is important that you book your surgical consultation well in advance to discuss the reasons you are looking for surgery, the procedure itself, right size implants for your frame and our excellent after care. Women can get breast augmentation done to make their breasts bigger and fuller.
During breast augmentation which is sometimes also referred as a ‘boob job’, surgeon inserts the chosen implants behind the natural breasts tissue to make breasts larger by means of incisions along the natural crease of the breast, armpit or in the underside of the nipple area. The whole procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and takes about 1-2 hours to complete, after which you are required to stay in hospital overnight. There is no price set for breast enlargement surgery as each patient is different and their requirement may also differ case-by-case. In order to get the idea of the price, please get in touch with our clinics and consult with our surgeons to get your quote.
Benefits of Having Breast Augmentation
- Increased ability to buy clothes and underwear of your choice
- Increased confidence and femininity
- Achieve more symmetrical breasts
- Increased self-esteem
- Amend changes in shape and size due to pregnancy or weight loss
Quick Facts About breast Augmentation
1 to 2 hours
General Anaesthesia, sometimes can be done under local anaesthesia
Usually a day care procedure, home the same day.
Initial Mild discomfort, Minimal activity for a few days; back to work in 3 to 7 days, Avoid strenuous activity or several months.
minimal scarring concealed in the dark area of the nipple, the crease beneath the breastor the armpits depending on the route taken o introduce the implant.
- Most potential complications can be avoided by carefully following your surgeon’s instructions.
- In addition to the usual risks associated with anaesthesia, other risks involved are:
- Capsular Contracture: the scar around the implant can contract months or years after the procedure. Although rare but if it happens the implant mostly needs to be removed or plane changed.
- Numbness of nipples: temporary
- Infection
- Hematoma