Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, removes excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbows, and also reshapes the arm to result in a smoother skin and contour. Thus, giving a more toned and proportionate appearance. Excessive weight loss or weight gain, aging and even heredity can cause upper arms to have a sagging and a drooping appearance. Exercise may build u and improve the underlying muscles of the upper arm, but it cannot address excess skin which has lost elasticity or underlying weakened tissues and localized fat deposits. If the underside of arms is sagging or appear loose, an arm lift or brachiplasty may be the right for you.
In case of arm lift, surgeon will provide you with local anesthesia and sedation in order to make you comfortable, or he/she may give you general anesthesia in order to make you sleep throughout. An arm lift takes generally from 1-3 hours. A drainage tub is given for each arm, and this may be removed in one week. Pain is not much, but swelling is normal and will settle over weeks to months.
An arm lift:
The procedure is performed to:
- Reduce excess sagging skin that droops downward
- Reduce localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region
- Tighten and smooth the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm
What is an arm lift?
The procedure is performed to:
- Reduce excess sagging skin that droops downward
- Reduce localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region
- Tighten and smooth the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm
Is it right for me?
In general, candidates for an arm lift include:
- Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that can impair healing or increase risk of surgery
- Adults of any age whose weight is relatively stable and who are not significantly overweight
- Adults with significant upper arm skin laxity
- Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations
- Non-smokers
Recovery from Brachioplasty
Brachioplasty is an outpatient procedure and the patient can go home the very same day, your doctor will likely to be able to see the results of the arm lift immediately. Patient will notice some kind of swelling and bruising, but these will gradually disappear within few days and all of the swelling will be gone in few weeks. Doctor may also advise you about how long you should refrain from exercise and stay at home from work. A compression garment is also required to be worn for a few days so that the skin adheres to the underlying tissues. While there may be some scarring, it is likely to become minimal and hardly visible to others.