Abdominoplasty also known as tummy tuck helps in removing excess fat and skin and also restores the weakened or separated muscles by creating an abdominal profile which is smoother and firmer. We all want a flat and well-toned abdomen which many of us strive for by means of exercise and weight control methods. It is a surgical procedure done on the belly to remove the excess and loose skin, tighten the muscles and reduce or enhance scars from operations in the lower belly. Extreme weight loss, ageing and multiple pregnancies are one of the common factors that cause the belly muscles and skin to become loose. A total abdominoplasty is a major surgery which is performed to correct the changes.
Who Are the Best Candidates Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)?
Abdominoplasty is best suited for men and women who are in good health. Women who have had many pregnancies may find it a useful way to tighten their muscles and reducing the skin. It is also an option for men or women who were once obese and have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly.
Who Should Not Consider Abdominoplasty?
If you plan to get pregnant, then you may have to postpone the plan of getting a tummy tuck until you’re done having children. As during this surgery, your vertical muscles will get tightened, and future pregnancies will separate those muscles. If you are planning to lose weight, then it is not for you. It should be considered the last option when you have tried everything else. It should not be taken as an alternative to weight loss.
Quick Facts About Abdominoplasty
2 to 5 hours
General Anaesthesia
Usually overnight stay, may be upto 2 to 3 days
Initial Mild discomfort, Minimal activity for several days, Pain medication for 5 to 10 days, Swelling and bruising improves in 7 to 10 days, Strenuous activity within 1 month.
visible in lower abdomen but usually undetectable when wearing clothing or most swimwear.
- ComplicationsMost potential complications can be avoided by carefully following your surgeon’s instructions.
- In addition to the usual risks associated with anaesthesia, other risks involved are:
- Tissue loss: rarely occurs but usually involves skin above pubic hair; smoking, poorly controlled diabetes increase the risk.
- Hematoma
- Seroma