Face Lift
Facelift technically known as rhytidectomy has been able to reverse the effects of gravity, age, sun damage and genetic among others. Facelift has been able to reshape or contour the two-thirds of the face. Mostly done under general anaesthesia, it takes about 4-5 hours. It is usually combined with facial procedures such asrhinoplasty; brow lift and blepharoplasty to give face a new and fresh look. If someone has double chin, it can also be removed with the help of lipectomy. The complete surgery is done by making incision at the temples above the hair line and also following it in front of the ear, extending the incision behind the earlobe in the natural crease. Cosmetic surgeon then separates the tissue and muscles, also removes the fat and then tightens the underlying muscles. The incisions are all made in the natural lines of the skin and thus scars remain hidden within the hairline or in the normal creases of the skin.
During a facelift, the surgeon may:
- Remove or move loose skin
- Remove and “lift” some of the fat tissue underneath the skin (called the SMAS layer; this is the main lifting part of the facelift)
- Use stitches (sutures) to close the cuts
- Perform liposuction of the neck and jowls
- Tighten muscles
Our skin starts to sag or wrinkled as we get older. Folds and fats gets deposit around the neck and deep creases starts to form between the nose and the mouth. Smoking, obesity, genes, poor diet can make skin problems become worse. Facelift can repair visible signs of aging and by fixing the damage happened to skin, fat and muscles can give fresher look. Most people go for a facelift because they are not happy with the signs of aging, but they are otherwise in good health. When the procedure will get complete, bandage will be gently placed around your face to minimize post facelift swelling and bruising.
Quick Facts About Facelift
2 to 4 Hours
General Anaesthesia
Usually an outpatient procedure, overnight stays are possible.
- In addition to the usual risks associated with anaesthesia, other risks include.
- Bleeding: occurs in less than 2% Rhinoplasties.
- Sinusitis: rare, can be treated by medications.
Initial Mild to moderate discomfort, Up and about in a couple of days, Swelling, bruising usually gone in 2 weeks, Back to work with make up in 2 weeks, Full effect usually 1 month.
Inconspicuous scarring mostly concealed in the hairline.
Serious complications while possible, are unlikely:
- Some potential complications can be avoided by carefully following your surgeon’s instructions.
- In addition to the usual risks associated with anaesthesia, other risks include.
- Hematoma: Collection of blood beneath the skin, can be treated without compromising results.
- Skin Necrosis: extremely rare.
- Infection: risk less than 1%
- Facial Weakness: rare and temporary